Composing for Infinity

by Darius Kazemi

(Use left/right arrow keys to navigate. This won't make much sense without the talk itself, text of which is here, video coming soon.)

73 Projects, ~350 hours of work (4.8 hours/project)

Auto Charts

Scenes from The Wire

Amazon Random Shopper

Black Box: Google Street View Image API

Black Box: Google Street View Image API

Black Box: Google Street View Image API
&location=[continental US]
&location=[continental US]
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]

(everything is constant but we vary lat/lng within bounds)
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]

Low FOV sucks, let's max out FOV and vary pitch
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]

That eye level shot was neat, looks like that's pitch 0
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]

That eye level shot was neat, looks like that's pitch 0
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]

What if we look up?
&location=[Boston, Newbury St Area]

What if we look up?

Now we have a sense of the black box

"This is boring!"

-Frieder Nake

// Code is weird

while true
  print Math.random()

"This is boring!"


"This is boring!"

-Me how do we make it less boring?

The Most Important Achievement in Procedurally Generated Art of the Last Ten Years

Spelunky (Derek Yu)

(On the next slide press 1, 2, and 3 to change aspects of the Spelunky level generator. See here for more.)


P(treasure) ∝ numberOfWalls

Not Elegant

If we are in the first cave tileset, then for every brick tile that is not the ceiling of the level itself, and is not in a shop, and is not in the starting room, and is not on the bottom half of a room, check to see if we have a two by two block of empty tile spaces below this brick. If there is a two by two block of empty tile spaces, and we're allowed to generate a Giant Spider in this level, and we have yet to generate a Giant Spider in this level, then there is a 1 in 40 chance that we generate a Giant Spider and some cobwebs right beneath this brick. If we do generate a Giant Spider, make sure not to generate another one in this level.

Templated Authorship
Random Input

Context is important.

Context is important.

a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.

Context is important.

Girl, you must be an
because you are
a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.

Templated Authorship
Random Input

Olivia Taters (Rob Dubbin)

Pentametron (Ranjit Bhatnagar)

Two Headlines

Two Headlines the same thing as...

Templated Authorship + Random Input + Context


Darius Kazemi, Jun 12 2014

Extra thanks to:

Courtney Stanton
Rob Dubbin
Ranjit Bhatnagar
Evelyn Eastmond