Gamer Rhetoric

by Darius Kazemi on February 3, 2006

in Uncategorized

I just stumbled across a fascinating article about the difference in communication styles among gamers across several genres of multiplayer game, titled Choosing your ‘voice’ for gaming online.

{ 1 comment }

Patrick Dugan February 7, 2006 at 1:58 am

I’ve come to understand differnt pockets of culture in real-life as consensual games defined by their own paidic rules, its interesting to see the other side of that looking glass, ludic cultures emerging from literal games.

Speaking of culture, I hope I’m not out of line here, but may I ask you how to code the blogger template to put permalinks of archived posts on the side-bar, the way you did with your networking series? Copying a code sample would be fine, much apprecaited.

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