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See Full-Size Screenshot
See Full-Size Screenshot

by Al Reed and Alex Rice
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(7.6 mb)

A game meant for two players, with one using the keyboard's cursors keys and the other using WASD, Squish challenges you to...uhh...well, squish your opponent by pushing boxes onto his/her character. Alternatively, you can simply hop on each other's heads to attempt a win. Attach bombs to boxes for a little help by hitting down while in-air.

In testing, both modes of winning were popular, though oftentimes we'd forget about the boxes and just go straight for the other's head! As with all Jam games, experimentation is encouraged! Mess around and discover the crazy situations Squish provides.

Please note: There is a known graphical glitch on some computers that makes your character disappear if left is pressed. Our apologies.

Space and resources for this event were provided by MIT
Site by John Richardson