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The Rhythm Machine
by Eric Rosenbaum and Jonah Elgart
Play Now Play Now! (Requires Flash)

The Rhythm Machine is a tile-based puzzle game in which the solution is a rhythmic pattern. You route a steady stream of balls through a grid, trying to make them arrive at the instrument tiles and trigger sounds at just the right times. You can place tiles on the grid that turn the ball, split it into two, toggle turning it one way and another, or delay it. If part of your pattern is playing at the wrong time, you can use the delay tile to create a "phase-shift".

The game jam version is a "freestyle" version, with no puzzles - but you can experiment and make cool rhythms!

Here's how to use it:
- click on a tile to cycle through the available options
- shift-click to rotate the tile
- the instrument tiles are colored circles

Space and resources for this event were provided by MIT
Site by John Richardson