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by Darius Kazemi
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A GBA game with a shifting maze. The zip file contains a ROM and VisualBoyAdvance, a GBA emulator.

Instructions: You'll see a blank screen after the HAM logo. Press "Z" on your keyboard (or whatever you have the "A" button bound to in your GBA emulator) to get past the blank screen. You'll see a maze and some dots. You're the red dot. You're trying to get to the green dot before the timer runs out. However, the maze is randomized, and you probably can't just walk to the green dot. But there are purple dots at the center of each maze "piece". If you step on them and press "Z" (or "A" or whatever), the maze piece will rotate, enabling you to make a path to your objective. If you don't get to the green dot before time runs out, your loss counter increments and your score resets to 0. If you get the green dot on time, you get a point. The maze randomizes every 5 points you get.

Enjoy some arcadey action.

Space and resources for this event were provided by MIT
Site by John Richardson