Comments on: Twitter Blocking and My Own Privilege Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:53:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Scott Jon Siegel Thu, 07 Mar 2013 06:50:27 +0000 This is pretty spot on.

By: Darius Kazemi Wed, 13 Feb 2013 16:13:54 +0000 Good call, I’ve edited the article to be more clear!

By: Hel Wed, 13 Feb 2013 16:12:15 +0000 I don’t think he’s saying he blocks ppl he disagrees with, he’s saying he blocks ppl who refuse to engage in good faith discussion, ppl who attack the individual rather than the idea. Framing it as “ppl who annoyed me” does make it somewhat unclear tho.

By: Darius Kazemi Wed, 13 Feb 2013 16:11:47 +0000 Right, I follow plenty of people who I mostly disagree with because I try to avoid the echo chamber. I also actively try to follow people on Twitter who are not like me.

The problem is when someone argues with me in way that actually annoys/bothers me. It’s not “oh this bothers me I’ll block them.” It’s “oh this bothers me, is it because the ideas make me uncomfortable, or is this person being a dick?” If it’s the latter, then I block them. And I think hard about the difference. This is why I specifically mention attacks on ethos rather than attacks on logos.

By: Erlend Grefsrud Wed, 13 Feb 2013 16:02:34 +0000 It’s kind of a weird approach. I can understand blocking people who literally abuse you, who actively try to bully and hurt you. But blocking people you DISAGREE with? That sounds like a character flaw. I follow tons of people I actively dislike and whose opinions I often find reprehensible, intolerant or plain dumb PRECISELY SO THAT I HAVE TO SEE THOSE THOUGHTS EXPRESSED.

That way, I’m jolted out of my smug, happy little personal bubble universe and I realize that not only are there people out there who think, act, talk, feel and dream differently from me, I have to deal with my own fear and anger. I can’t do that by simply denying their existence — no, I need to learn how to deal with them in a somewhat tolerant (if not necessarily respectful) manner in order to develop as a person, in order to properly empathize and put myself in the place of others. To understand myself and others, I must have as rich a context as possible.

By blocking people you disagree with, you are closing yourself in, building yourself an echo-chamber, protecting yourself from an enemy you made yourself through your insecurities and your own intolerance. Every time you block someone because you don’t like the way they talk or think, you have isolated and effectively disempowered yourself.

You are now keeping useful information from yourself, you are avoiding challenging your own deeply held thoughts and beliefs, and you are doing it in a complete vacuum. No-one will ever know you blocked someone (unless you tell them, which you can’t, since you blocked them). The action has no significance and no value.
