Comments on: It ain’t satire Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:53:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nathan Mahon Mon, 10 Oct 2011 13:55:55 +0000 New defense to douchebaggery: appeal to Poe’s Law.

By: Roundup of Unusual Size: Did you like it? « Dire Critic Thu, 06 Oct 2011 07:50:43 +0000 [...] Darius Kazemi takes the wind out of Justin McElroy’s none-so-modest proposal. [...]

By: Darius Kazemi Tue, 04 Oct 2011 12:16:21 +0000 You’re right: different people find different things to be funny. I never said it wasn’t funny. While I certainly don’t find it funny, I’m absolutely certain that other people got a laugh out of it.

What I’m saying is that it is not satire — satire has a very specific definition, and the article doesn’t meet that definition. To claim it is satire and to hide behind satire as a shield is duplicitous.

By: mister k Tue, 04 Oct 2011 08:59:19 +0000 So Swift was satiring the attitude of the British to the problems in Ireland. What are the authors satiring? Well they are congratulating the child abusing maniac, so presumably they are satiring those who supported the child abusing maniac. Who are these people? Are they in need of satire? Is this a common attitude that requires such a subtle and clever put down?

By: Scribbits Tue, 04 Oct 2011 02:56:20 +0000 Humor is like art. It is not the same for everybody. You do not like the article and that is fine but I highly doubt that puts you in a position to say what it is and what it is not. It may not be satire for you, but that does not mean it is not satire for others.

Obviously there were people out there who saw the humor and laughed hence the article achieved its purpose. Guess the fact that there is living proof contradictory to your words is the reason I find no credibility besides a ego trip behind this article.

By: William Monroe Mon, 03 Oct 2011 19:09:02 +0000 I’ve said this a lot on Facebook, but I feel like it bears repeating: WHY WOULD YOU PLAY A SHOOTER ONLINE? I know that’s not the point of the blog post, but I feel like there’s a connection there.

I guess it’s sad for all the people who really like playing CoD or whatever, but I played Gears of War 2 online for a total of four sittings in my life. Two of those sittings ended with someone sending me a message threatening to rape me to death. (Different people, oddly)

I have played fighting games (Street Fighter, Blazblue, Marvel vs Capcom 3) online for a little over 2 years, and had over 100 very positive interactions, and only ever been called a fag once.

Maybe this is easy for me to say, because I don’t go for shooters as much, but if you can’t take punk-ass-13-year-old-kid-calling-you-a-pussy-faggot-cause-you-don’t-spend-all-your-time-playing-the-game, then get out of the kitchen. (Yeah, maybe I should have just said, “fire”, but this way had more dramatic impact)

Obviously the long term solution is to stop raising hideous little snots who learn curse words faster than the discretion to not spew them at everyone different from them, but in the immediate sense, if that gets under your skin, why would you subject yourself to it? Talking about this kid like he deserved to get strangled seems like blaming the mountain lion for attacking the hiker. Yes, it’s awful that the kid was such an ass, but how could you possibly play a shooter online without expecting that someone is going to call you a faggot for something?

And I strongly agree, Darius. The “satire” label is obviously either a complete lack of understanding of the definition, or a backpedal. My vote is on the latter. I get the weird primal satisfaction of sticking it to a kid who has been incredibly obnoxious, but if you actually wanted to write an article acknowledging that, you don’t talk about the 46 year old man like he’s a goddamn crime fighter.

By: Darius Kazemi Mon, 03 Oct 2011 18:01:19 +0000 I still don’t see the critique in that article, *except* to the degree that you might consider sarcasm to be critique. Which I do not.

By: XaiaX Mon, 03 Oct 2011 17:37:00 +0000 The critique is of our general cultural preference toward violent escalation and the aggrandizement of it. The trope of racist homophobic tween in online games is pretty well established. It’s a reviled character, in general, and thus open to general attack and derision. They’re a sort of free victim for all sort of hyperbole. The point of the piece is, essentially, “Hey, many of us say horrible things about these (largely horrible) people, and this situation makes us feel conflicted about our general desire to see bad things happen to bad people vs. just how far this went.” Many people play this/these game(s), and the central premise is repetitive mass murder. We aggrandize the most aggressively violent behavior and explicitly and implicitly reward it (not just in games, in general). Then we pretend to be surprised when someone is violent and we look to blame anything we can that isn’t the culture that facilitates it.

By: Craig Wilson Mon, 03 Oct 2011 17:27:20 +0000 Darius, I totally agree with your reading of Joystiq’s article as being tasteless. It lacked both an understanding of compassion as well as satire/humour. You can make a joke out of anything but, in my opinion, true satire carries with its laughs a message worth communicating. 

Joystiq lacked any real message like many of the writers and editors who exploit such emotionally-charged news stories in tenuously-linked articles seeking mainly page views and not for any real discussion- whether expressed through humour or otherwise.

Here’s how Stuart Campbell responded when I challenged his  sensationally titled “How 9/11 killed videogame journalism” published on the tenth anniversary of the tragedy: “I’m way too old and weary to care about some feeble p*ssy scared of a couple of words. They’re just f*cking *words*. Grow up.”

Words have meaning, when used recklessly or in jest or in moments of brilliance, and if you don’t take credit for them what kind of writer are you?

By: Darius Kazemi Mon, 03 Oct 2011 16:51:39 +0000 My “it’s not satire” argument isn’t rooted in my ability to read it as such. It’s rooted in the last few paragraphs of my article, where I say: “Satire needs to criticize something, and there’s no criticism in that article: there is only hyperbolic language that we are intended to take as meaning the opposite of what it says. In other words, the article isn’t satire: it’s sarcasm.”

Speaking in a “non-literal” fashion is sarcasm. It’s not automatically satire: satire critiques.

A good chunk of satire actually proposes solutions to the problem being addressed, presented via the rhetorical technique of apophasis — where you refer to something by explicitly mentioning you won’t talk about it, or that you disagree with it. For example, the original article could say something like, “Some would say that Mark Bradford is a reprehensible human being [followed by a litany of perfectly reasonable arguments as to why he's an idiot and the kid is a victim of a psychopath]“. That would be one way the article could distinguish itself as satire rather than mere sarcasm.
