Comments on: My response to the Chain World mutation Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:53:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Darius Kazemi Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:51:39 +0000 I would consider it a new project.

By: A. David Lewis Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:25:14 +0000 I wonder: Would you consider our project, bringing the Chain World idea (at Rohrer’s okay) to comics, a further mutation? Or a return to basic form, just in another medium?

By: Ben Cummings Wed, 17 Aug 2011 19:38:08 +0000 I’m not familiar enough with this topic in other religions and traditions, but calling it “very new” seems like a bit of hyperbole:

The idea’s been around for a while. How well people have stuck to it is another matter.

By: The White Wed, 17 Aug 2011 18:59:04 +0000 I admit to empathizing with Darius’ frustrations. I’ve traveled to India and have seen so much commerce outside the temples- same for Thailand and other asian countries that when I returned to europe I was struck by some thoughts vis-a-vis chainworld… commerce and religion have always gone together! The idea that religion should be non-commercial is very new and very North Atlantic. No one else makes such distinction that they be separate.

By: Jesse Wed, 25 May 2011 15:33:20 +0000 You guys do realize that this is just a Minecraft Mod – if you don’t like the way the chain works, all you have to do is load up Minecraft on your own USB stick and do the same exact thing. Just start your own. There’s no need to get bent out of shape over something so easily replicated. You’re acting like this is some sacred chalice that should be freed to the masses, but you could just make your own.

By: The Chain World Controversy: Jia Ji Speaks | Rock, Paper, Shotgun Fri, 18 Mar 2011 08:53:18 +0000 [...] Schism Chain World into at least two copies/sects, one being the orthodox free-for-all advocated by Darius and the other being the cause-oriented charitable version proposed by myself.3. Destroy Chain [...]

By: Chains, Mines, Religious distraction. « Unearthed Arcana Thu, 17 Mar 2011 19:57:25 +0000 [...] What a hubbub! [...]

By: Jonathon Myers Wed, 16 Mar 2011 19:20:00 +0000 Good points. Sorry about my misinterpretation. I stand corrected on what you meant and the opposite thing. Also, I completely agree about how interesting this has become.

By: Kristiina Wed, 16 Mar 2011 18:54:35 +0000 I simply posed a question that time will determine. I did not provide an answer, and the question you posed isn’t an opposite question.

As for my response to your question, my answer is not ‘no.’ Scandal and controversy is one of the best things that could happen to chainworld. Now we all have something to debate and talk about. Chainworld won’t fade into a GDC memory, at least not yet.

Jia Ji can do whatever he wants with Chainworld, that is what makes this so interesting.

By: Jonathon Myers Wed, 16 Mar 2011 14:53:52 +0000 To play the devil’s advocate in a less literal role than on the other blog: Isn’t Jia’s control affecting the Chain World, and perhaps even more so than tinkering around in it? Regardless of how much or little he does or doesn’t do in the actual game/world on the USB stick, isn’t it true that his efforts to control the path of the chain will impact the changes that take place on the stick for generations to come? This seems at the heart of many concerns I’m observing in others, that a world constructed by those who earn that right by money or social fame is not a good choice. They’re criticizing Jia’s present control and his handling of the artifact with their arguments.

“He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.” (Orwell) In other words, many feel Jia is taking more than one turn with his influence by precedent setting and new rules. So I really wonder if the question has become the opposite of the one you posed: should Jia put so much time into affecting Chain World however he chooses? I assume your answer is no, correct?

I do agree that Darius is cool. I’ll take a stance on that, for sure.
