GDC: Call for History

by Darius Kazemi on October 27, 2010

in gdc,history,memories

So GDC is and always will be very important to me. It’s where I learned to be a game developer, at least in terms of learning about the culture of game devs (learning game development itself was a totally different journey).

GDC 2011 is GDC’s 25th year (at least if you count from the first meeting in Chris Crawford’s house), and I am delighted to report that they have named my friend Jason Scott as their Official Historian. He’s collecting stories, anecdotes, pictures, and video, and is looking for your contributions! I can’t think of a better person to do this. Send anything you have over to They’

I’ve already sent in the GDC 2003 nVidia Bus Incident, my random-ass GDC/San Jose psychogeography, and that one time I caught the fleeting magic of an amazing GDC dinner conversation on video.

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