I finally went ahead and upgraded this site from Thesis 1.6 to Thesis 1.7. It’s mostly introduced a bunch of convenient back-end stuff for me, although I did use the CSS @font-face rule for the first time ever. You can see the results in my new League Gothic header!
This blog is no longer active, so it might be slightly broken. What you're seeing here is a static backup of the Wordpress site. If you'd like to keep up with me, try Twitter or my mailing list or my new site.
Upgraded to Thesis 1.7
Previous post: What I’m Doing for the Month of April
Next post: Why You Should Attend the LOGIN Conference
Just FYI, it doesn’t work properly on Firefox with Noscript installed. A lot of things don’t, but generally it’s not visually, and I wouldn’t have realized it was broken (as opposed to just looking really bad) if you hadn’t included a link to the font that I could doublecheck with.
Yeah, I have to add some code to make it degrade gracefully. Sigh.
Thanks for the link to the League of Moveable Type. It’s always nice to have a new source of free as in speech fonts to use.
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