Comments on: On Thesis, and Why Bloggers Should Buy Thesis 1.7 Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:53:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Darius Kazemi Sat, 03 Apr 2010 19:57:05 +0000 Alright, I’ll address each question individually.

“Did you migrate from blogger hosting to something else? Does wordpress host or do you just use their SW and pay for hosting somewhere? Did you migrate all the past posts off of blogger?”

Yes, I migrated from a blog to WordPress on my own paid domain/hosting. And I did in fact migrate the past posts off of blogger. It was very, very easy — simply a matter of installing a plugin and setting up a redirect. I wrote up a post on how I did it here:

Darren just did the same thing, and he wrote up slightly more detailed instructions:

“Did you have any hits in traffic dropping? RSS feed migration problem? Any users complaining about problems on particular browsers?”

No to all of those questions. I would show you my stats except they’re boring: no appreciable difference in the two weeks before and after my migration. No RSS troubles, either: I was on feedburner to begin with so it was a matter of going to and pointing it to the new feed. (If you don’t use Feedburner I recommend you move to that as part of your migration, you’ll never worry about losing a subscriber again.) As for problems on browser, no way. Thesis (and default WordPress) renders really well on most mobile devices and I haven’t heard of any browser-specific troubles.

If anything, my stats saw a bump after I moved to Thesis. Not because of the theme or WordPress in particular, but because I like my website so much I am motivated to spend time crafting my articles!

“I’m on blogger as well, and have thought about a migration. Also have always been a bit nervous about not having a copy of all my post history.”

If you look back on my blog, you will see that I have everything: even permalinks to comments redirect correctly! Part of the migration process involves doing a Blogger export anyway, so you have a backup on hand of all your posts and comments if something goes wrong.

My only real complaint with the process was that some of my old posts ended up formatted strangely (no line break between paragraphs, etc.). I went to Google Analytics and found the old posts that 90% of my visitors look at (it was only like 20 articles) and manually cleaned them up. The rest I clean up as I come across them — it’s not a WordPress problem but rather the fact that Blogger, particularly old-school Blogger, formatted HTML in really weird ways. Too many span tags, etc.

And of course feel free to email me if you’re having any trouble with the process!

By: admin Sat, 03 Apr 2010 18:45:37 +0000 Great questions, Kim. Will answer them once I’m back at my computer! (Short answer: everything worked well, but I’ll provide you with references, tutorials, and stats.)

By: Kim Pallister Sat, 03 Apr 2010 18:21:21 +0000 Did you migrate from blogger hosting to something else? Does wordpress host or do you just use their SW and pay for hosting somewhere? Did you migrate all the past posts off of blogger?

Did you have any hits in traffic dropping? RSS feed migration problem? Any users complaining about problems on particular browsers?

I’m on blogger as well, and have thought about a migration. Also have always been a bit nervous about not having a copy of all my post history.
