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My Morning With the FCC

by Darius Kazemi on January 21, 2010

in igda,politics

I met with the Federal Communications Commission on January 14th, 2010 to discuss issues around net neutrality and game development. The FCC published our meeting minutes as well as some extra comments we provided, which you can find here (PDF). There’s a post about it on, which does a pretty good job of briefly summarizing our meeting — although the original document only takes a few minutes to read, so I recommend you do that if you’re really interested in this issue.

As I stated on the record at the meeting with the FCC, I was there representing the Boston Chapter of the IGDA. I was not representing the IGDA as a whole, although some people on the IGDA Board and staff knew that I would be there, and I will be discussing these issues with them. I didn’t say very much: I was mostly there to listen and to pass things along to the IGDA.

{ 1 comment }

Matthew Weigel January 21, 2010 at 3:58 pm

Very cool that you’re participating in the discussion like that!

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