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My First Public Spelunky Mod: Spelunky B-Ball!
by Darius Kazemi on January 8, 2010
in mod,modding,Spelunky
I just posted my first publicly released (very small) mod for Spelunky: Spelunky B-Ball. It adds a basketball object that is spawned from crates! (The basketball is Derek Yu’s creation, he just never put it in the final game.)
You can see how I created the mod over at the Mossmouth forums.
This made me realize through free association that Spelunky would be amazing with achievements. Can’t wait to see what’s included in the XBLA version. Oh, I was thinking of a Harlem Globetrotter achievement where you bring a basketball from the first level to the end, HL2: Ep2 Gnome style.
Basketballs, eh? I daresay my revolutionary design principles are finally starting to gain some traction. A+ work, my dear chum! Not since Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden have I witnessed such a sterling realization of the B-Ball phenomenon.
Cool, what’s the basketball do rebound off things? You should add a potion or something that might be stuck in the walls that gives +1 heart. Kissing girls for $30K a pop is too expensive in this game IMO.
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