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Post image for AF 337

AF 337

by Darius Kazemi on January 27, 2010

in Everyday Shooter,project

I made a new year’s resolution for 2010: make more games.

I made a game on Tuesday. It’s nothing super fancy, I just said to myself, “Hey, I’ll make a simple 8-way shooter like Robotron or Everyday Shooter.” So I did.

What’s weird is that I find this like 100 times more compelling to play than any of the stuff I set out to make that’s “supposed” to be good. Those projects I work on and I test and they’re not good enough and I never finish them. This was just… I pretty much knew what it was going to be. I made it. I tuned it. And it was done.

The game is called AF 337, named after the flight I was on when I made it. Click the image to download (Windows only).

screenshot of some frantic action from the game

I’m using Anna Anthropy’s Star Perv font, Atuun’s Assemblee compo song Nes1, and Shaktool’s (John Nesky’s) Assemblee sound fx (ouch_1 and yoink). All the art and programming is by me.


Darren Torpey January 27, 2010 at 8:26 pm

Very classy, dude.

kevin January 29, 2010 at 1:12 am

i like this resolution! fun game but it just reminds me that i STILL can’t really get my hands to cooperate with 8way shooters.

Sheri Rubin January 30, 2010 at 12:00 am

Apparently I’m not the kind of person inclined to play this type of game on this type of platform either. :)

Ben January 31, 2010 at 9:51 pm

lo-fi badass, i love it.

Nicholas Brown April 7, 2010 at 4:44 pm

Definitely a good resolution. It’s easy to forget that good games can be ridiculously simple. Not the undertaking of a quarter or a few months but just a few hours.

I think I’m going to have to try and make more of these too =D

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