Hugely Important News

by Darius Kazemi on February 3, 2009

in friends,industry,news

Jason Della Rocca is leaving his leadership role at the International Game Developers Association.

This is huge, huge, huge news. I cannot begin to convey how important Jason is to the IGDA and the game industry at large.
Fortunately, Matt Sakey, the man with a gift for spewing words out his wordhole, has managed to say a few things.


Arrakiv February 3, 2009 at 9:56 pm

Wow… The IGDA without Jason Della Rocca in a leadership position? That’ll just seem weird.

Ian Schreiber February 5, 2009 at 3:19 pm

Jason has been head of IGDA for longer than I’ve been in the industry. I don’t remember a time without him. So it’s really weird to me, and I keep thinking, who do I know who could be a worthy successor? And I keep coming up empty. The search will be interesting, to be sure.

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