Stuff That Newbs Should Do

by Darius Kazemi on January 10, 2008

in breakingin,networking

In case you missed it, Chris Hecker and Jon Blow wrote up a set of things that newbies who want to enter the game industry should do. They cover some excellent points, and the article boils down to “make games, and think hard about them.” They wrote up the article as a critical response to an article on with 10 things a game industry newbie should do in 2008.

The list at GameCareerGuide admittedly reads a lot like the advice that I give, except you’ll note that in my introduction to my networking articles, I state that I’m writing all of my advice on the assumption that you already know your stuff when it comes to the meat of understanding games. (I even updated the intro to link to the Hecker/Blow article.) The GCG article certainly lacked that context.

The last thing that I want to create with my articles is a bunch of people who don’t anything about game development or game design who manage to charm their way into the industry, and then inevitably destroy it within 15 years.


Max January 11, 2008 at 1:54 am

Hah! Some of us have made it exactly our mission to destroy the games industry in the next 15 years as vengeance for the past 15.

Lord help us all if we actually manage to start running things in that time frame. ;-)

ncanson January 11, 2008 at 4:51 pm

The last thing that I want to create with my articles is a bunch of people who don’t anything about game development or game design who manage to charm their way into the industry

So instead, you try to tailor your advice so that the missing ingredient – the thing that makes the advice actually work – is “you’re capable of doing it if given the opportunity.” But on the other hand, it seems like there’s a never-ending demand for new people (particularly programmers), which means we should get the word out on how the people we’re trying to find can better find us, no?

Anonymous January 11, 2008 at 5:06 pm

Yeah, I think destroying the industry should happen as soon as possible, but don’t worry, it won’t be your article that does it, it’ll be a recession coupled with indefinite peak oil.

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