So at work today, eagle-eyed Craig noticed an advertisement in an old issue of Game Career Guide for a game studio called Derivco. Wow. Who thought that name would be a good idea?
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Maybe the company was founded by math geeks and they were thinking of the calculus meaning of “derivative”, aiming to push the industry’s rate of change.
I shall spare you my hideous “rise over run” puns.
Any eagle with my vision would be doomed to slam into the first tree on the flight path…
Hey, truth in advertising.
Just like those ads in Game Developer for Vicarious Visions that said “Superheroes Wanted” (which I took to mean “why yes, we DO expect you to work eighty hour weeks”).
Or the company Gamecock. I always forget what they do, other than wear those garish chicken suits to industry conferences.
Uhm, it’s short for Derivatives Trading Company and the company has nothing to do with games.
Djewd: did you click on the ad? It’s a game company in South Africa. You can still go to their website and see.
Its true, the name Derivco does come from Derivatives Trading Company but they do make online gaming games for online casinos and poker rooms on the Microgaming Network. The name was not given to the company after they started in the online gaming industry, it was the company name of the founder's father's company which moved in the oline gaming direction a decade and a half ago.
Wow. I finally have an answer to this almost two-year-old question! Thanks!
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