Comments on: Effective Networking (Don’t Badmouth People) Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:53:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: daphny Sat, 17 Dec 2011 17:29:00 +0000 BUT JOHN ROMERO WILL FOREVER REMEMBER ME AS LOUD GIRL THAT YELLED AT HIM TO CUT HIS DAMN HAIR

and you said be memmmorrraabllleeeee

actually i guess i was nice about it, maybe

im such a nice lady

By: Effective Networking in the Games Industry (Introduction) Wed, 26 Jan 2011 12:05:04 +0000 [...] Don’t Badmouth People [...]

By: Student question: anonymous blogging Wed, 11 Aug 2010 16:20:08 +0000 [...] It really depends on how you go about criticizing a game. I shouldn’t even have to say this, but just in case: don’t be a complete idiot and say things like “Madden sucks, I can’t believe so many people buy it” or “anyone who plays Farmville is an idiot” or whatever. Those are so obviously wrong I won’t spend any more time talking about why you shouldn’t write things like that. I’ve already written about why you shouldn’t badmouth people. [...]

By: Max Nichols Thu, 10 Jun 2010 16:59:27 +0000 Badmouthing people in general is something that should be avoided in an even remotely public setting. I cannot think of a single instance where vitriol will help a situation, whether it’s in a networking event or (god forbid) within a dev team. Especially in an industry like ours, which is often ego-driven, always small, and filled with (usually harmless) gossip and info-sharing.

By: How to Squander Your 15 Minutes By Repeatedly Shooting Yourself In Both Feet: An Instruction Manual — Tiny Subversions Tiny Subversions Tue, 15 Dec 2009 22:54:58 +0000 [...] thread on Twitter recently. It is a prime example of how to be an ungracious person and a how to badmouth people and be that guy. He’s an indie developer with serious entitlement issues. You should [...]

By: Patrick Mon, 07 Dec 2009 07:41:19 +0000 Update, I feel into this trap again after having some bad experiences inside an organization, it really detracts from you as a person as well as runs a risk. Then again I have a friend who worked with me in design, and he is just one of those guys who loves to talk shit about everyone, its like a sport for him. Ironically, he plays politics much better than I did.

By: Mbinae Thu, 01 Jan 2009 12:46:00 +0000 My question is: What’s wrong with people who constantly badmouth others? Seriously, there are people like that.

By: Brian Shurtleff Sat, 11 Aug 2007 19:33:00 +0000 Also, it should go without saying, but people should watch how they portray themselves online, including what they say about people.

Game industry people, tech-savvy people that they are, are very adept at finding things people write about them online.

In some ways this can actually be a benefit for networking, as it can lead to interesting ways to start a conversation. Once I had written about someone and he had found my blog entry about him and replied with a comment – I ended up meeting him a few days later and joke with him about the experience.

But writing about someone in the game industry once also nearly got me in trouble when they found what I had written about them. Luckily she had a good sense of humor about it at the time, but I felt really bad that something I had said wasn’t nearly as anonymous as I had thought and had nearly hurt someone.

By: Patrick Dugan Sun, 21 May 2006 20:23:00 +0000 I almost fell into that trap my first GDC. I think a lot of this bad mouthing comes from reading negative things about someone without having met them. I had this impression of Cliff Bleszinski that he was a vain glorious FPS monger who offered nothing progressive to the industry. When I met him after the game design challenge, and talked a bit about social gameplay and storytelling and all that jazz, I realized he’s actually very interested in progressive design, but he also happens to have a really sweet day-job (which seems to be the case for much of the talent in the industry).

So my answer, if you’ve got an urge to bad mouth somebody, go meet them, you might find they’re really pretty cool. Like Romero, I’m sure he’s a really cool guy, even if his design track record isn’t exactly sterling.
