Comments on: Memories… Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:53:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: GDC: Call for History Wed, 27 Oct 2010 14:57:35 +0000 [...] already sent in the GDC 2003 nVidia Bus Incident, my random-ass GDC/San Jose psychogeography, and that one time I caught the fleeting magic of an [...]

By: Bill Fri, 04 Nov 2005 14:14:00 +0000 Darren, I would have to say the objectification of another human being is a good reason to boycott a company.

However I have to relate that when at the ATI party in 2003, coincidentally at my first GDC as well, that ATI had decided that hiring young women to dance provacatively on pedestals was also in good taste and the way to the hearts, minds and wallets of game developers everywhere. My memory is of all the guys, myself included, focusing on the FarCry engine demo and studiously avoiding looking at the dancers.

So given that both comapnies are rather sleazy in this regard, $15 cab fare tips the scale.

By: Bradley Momberger Tue, 23 Aug 2005 21:50:00 +0000 Well, there’s that thing about DX9 being based on ATI APIs.

But then there’s that thing about NINETY-FOUR DEGREES!

(which is how hot my ATI card is in degrees C after i reboot from a graphics meltdown — idle operating temperature is 91. Something is wrong, but I haven’t checked yet whether it’s a faulty fan)

By: Craig Perko Mon, 22 Aug 2005 16:07:00 +0000 These are my favorite kind of posts. Unfortunately, I’m no good at MAKING these kinds of posts, so I have to live vicariously. :)

By: Darren Torpey Mon, 22 Aug 2005 14:36:00 +0000 Are there really any better reasons to choose ATI over nVidia?

Well, yes, there probably are, but… uh… so much for reason, I guess.
